22. Putting It All Together
Putting It All Together
Now that you have had a chance to practice using each of the control knobs (Kp, Ki and Kd), it is time to put it all together and add in some noise! Since we know that in the real world that sensor are not perfect and that in reality our measurements are going to fluctuate slightly.
Lets have you add some more advance techniques and lets see how well you can handle the noise!
The goal here is not to get perfect control but to observe the effect of alpha and smoothing the data. This quiz will not be graded and is for you to play with. We do ask you to code a way to deal with max wind up and enforce actuator saturation limits!
It should be noted that you do not need to add derivative smoothing to your implementation of the PID controller in the lab as there is no noise in the simulator currently. Therefore the derivative smoothing will actually make the performance worse!
Start Quiz:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pid_controller import PIDController
from quad1d_eom import ydot
# This code is what will be executed and what will produce your results
# For this quiz you need to set alpha and umax below to your desired value
# Then modify pid_controller.py to build out your PID controller
kp = 0.5
ki = 0.11
kd = 0.2
umax = 5.0 # max controller output, (N)
alpha = 1.0 # derivative filter smoothing factor
# You are encouraged to change them in order to observe the effects
# How do the results of this controller differ from that of the last one?
# Simulation parameters
N = 600 # number of simulation points
t0 = 0 # starting time, (sec)
tf = 45 # end time, (sec)
time = np.linspace(t0, tf, N)
dt = time[1] - time[0] # delta t, (sec)
# Core simulation code
# Inital conditions (i.e., initial state vector)
y = [0, 0]
#y[0] = initial altitude, (m)
#y[1] = initial speed, (m/s)
# Initialize array to store values
soln = np.zeros((len(time),len(y)))
# Create instance of PID_Controller class and
# initalize and set all the variables
pid = PIDController(kp = kp, ki = ki, kd = kd, max_windup = 1e6, u_bounds
= [0, umax], alpha = alpha)
# Set altitude target
r = 10 # meters
# Simulate quadrotor motion
j = 0 # dummy counter
for t in time:
# Evaluate state at next time point
y = ydot(y,t,pid)
# Store results
soln[j,:] = y
j += 1
# Plot results
SP = np.ones_like(time)*r # altitude set point
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax1.plot(time, soln[:,0],time,SP,'--')
ax1.set_xlabel('Time, (sec)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude, (m)')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax2.plot(time, soln[:,1])
ax2.set_xlabel('Time, (sec)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Speed, (m/s)')
fig2 = plt.figure()
ax3 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
ax3.plot(time, pid.u_p, label='u_p', linewidth=3, color = 'red')
ax3.plot(time, pid.u_i, label='u_i', linewidth=3, color = 'blue')
ax3.plot(time, pid.u_d, label='u_d', linewidth=3, color = 'green')
ax3.set_xlabel('Time, (sec)')
ax3.set_ylabel('Control Effort')
h, l = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax3.legend(h, l)
y0 = soln[:,0] #altitude
rise_time_index = np.argmax(y0>r)
RT = time[rise_time_index]
print("The rise time is {0:.3f} seconds".format(RT))
OS = (np.max(y0) - r)/r*100
if OS < 0:
OS = 0
print("The percent overshoot is {0:.1f}%".format(OS))
print ("The steady state offset at 30 seconds is {0:.3f} meters".format(abs(soln[-1,0]-r)))
# Your goal is to follow the comments and complete the the tasks asked of you.
# Good luck designing your proportional integral and derivative controller!
class PIDController:
def __init__(self, kp = 0.0, ki = 0.0, kd = 0.0, max_windup = 20,
start_time = 0, alpha = 1., u_bounds = [float('-inf'), float('inf')]):
# The PID controller can be initalized with a specific kp value
# ki value, and kd value
self.kp_ = float(kp)
self.ki_ = float(ki)
self.kd_ = float(kd)
# Set max wind up
self.max_windup_ = float(max_windup)
# Set alpha for derivative filter smoothing factor
self.alpha = float(alpha)
# Setting control effort saturation limits
self.umin = u_bounds[0]
self.umax = u_bounds[1]
# Store relevant data
self.last_timestamp_ = 0.0
self.set_point_ = 0.0
self.start_time_ = start_time
self.error_sum_ = 0.0
self.last_error_ = 0.0
# Control effort history
self.u_p = [0]
self.u_i = [0]
self.u_d = [0]
# Add a reset function to clear the class variables
def reset(self):
self.set_point_ = 0.0
self.kp_ = 0.0
self.ki_ = 0.0
self.kd_ = 0.0
self.error_sum_ = 0.0
self.last_timestamp_ = 0.0
self.last_error_ = 0
self.last_last_error_ = 0
self.last_windup_ = 0.0
def setTarget(self, target):
self.set_point_ = float(target)
def setKP(self, kp):
self.kp_ = float(kp)
def setKI(self, ki):
self.ki_ = float(ki)
def setKD(self, kd):
self.kd_ = float(kd)
# Create function to set max_windup_
def setMaxWindup(self, max_windup):
self.max_windup_ = int(max_windup)
def update(self, measured_value, timestamp):
delta_time = timestamp - self.last_timestamp_
if delta_time == 0:
# Delta time is zero
return 0
# Calculate the error
error = self.set_point_ - measured_value
# Set the last_timestamp_
self.last_timestamp_ = timestamp
# Sum the errors
self.error_sum_ += error * delta_time
# Find delta_error
delta_error = error - self.last_error_
# Update the past error
self.last_error_ = error
# Address max windup
# Proportional error
p = self.kp_ * error
# Integral error
i = self.ki_ * self.error_sum_
# Recalculate the derivative error here incorporating
# derivative smoothing!
d = None
# Set the control effort
u = p + i + d
# Enforce actuator saturation limits
# Here we are storing the control effort history for post control
# observations.
return u
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pid_controller import PIDController
def ydot(y, t, pid):
''' Returns the state vector at the next time-step
y(k) = state vector, a length 2 list
= [altitude, speed]
t = time, (sec)
pid = instance of the PIDController class
y(k+1) = [y[0], y[1]] = y(k) + ydot*dt
# Model state
y0 = y[0] # altitude, (m)
y1 = y[1] # speed, (m/s)
# Model parameters
g = -9.81 # gravity, m/s/s
m = 1.54 # quadrotor mass, kg
c = 10.0 # electro-mechanical transmission constant
# time step, (sec)
dt = t - pid.last_timestamp_
# Control effort
u = pid.update(y0,t)
### State derivatives
# if altitude = 0
if (y0 <= 0.):
# if control input, u <= gravity, vehicle stays at rest on the ground
# this prevents quadrotor from "falling" through the ground when thrust is
# too small.
if u <= np.absolute(g*m/c):
y0dot = 0.
y1dot = 0.
else: # else if u > gravity and quadrotor accelerates upwards
y0dot = y1
y1dot = g + c/m*u - 0.75*y1
else: # otherwise quadrotor is already in the air
y0dot = y1
y1dot = g + c/m*u - 0.75*y1
y0 += y0dot*dt
y1 += y1dot*dt
# Add some noise to altitude readings
sigma = 0.1
y0 = np.random.normal(y0, sigma, 1)
return [y0, y1]
# Your goal is to follow the comments and complete the the tasks asked of you.
# Good luck designing your proportional integral and derivative controller!
class PIDController:
def __init__(self, kp = 0.0, ki = 0.0, kd = 0.0, max_windup = 20,
start_time = 0, alpha = 1., u_bounds = [float('-inf'), float('inf')]):
# The PID controller can be initalized with a specific kp value
# ki value, and kd value
self.kp_ = float(kp)
self.ki_ = float(ki)
self.kd_ = float(kd)
# Set max wind up
self.max_windup_ = float(max_windup)
# Set alpha for derivative filter smoothing factor
self.alpha = float(alpha)
# Setting control effort saturation limits
self.umin = u_bounds[0]
self.umax = u_bounds[1]
# Store relevant data
self.last_timestamp_ = 0.0
self.set_point_ = 0.0
self.start_time_ = start_time
self.error_sum_ = 0.0
self.last_error_ = 0.0
# Control effort history
self.u_p = [0]
self.u_i = [0]
self.u_d = [0]
# Add a reset function to clear the class variables
def reset(self):
self.set_point_ = 0.0
self.kp_ = 0.0
self.ki_ = 0.0
self.kd_ = 0.0
self.error_sum_ = 0.0
self.last_timestamp_ = 0.0
self.last_error_ = 0
self.last_last_error_ = 0
self.last_windup_ = 0.0
def setTarget(self, target):
self.set_point_ = float(target)
def setKP(self, kp):
self.kp_ = float(kp)
def setKI(self, ki):
self.ki_ = float(ki)
def setKD(self, kd):
self.kd_ = float(kd)
# Create function to set max_windup_
def setMaxWindup(self, max_windup):
self.max_windup_ = int(max_windup)
def update(self, measured_value, timestamp):
delta_time = timestamp - self.last_timestamp_
if delta_time == 0:
# Delta time is zero
return 0
# Calculate the error
error = self.set_point_ - measured_value
# Set the last_timestamp_
self.last_timestamp_ = timestamp
# Sum the errors
self.error_sum_ += error * delta_time
# Find delta_error
delta_error = error - self.last_error_
# Update the past error
self.last_error_ = error
# Address max windup
if self.error_sum_ > self.max_windup_:
self.error_sum_ = self.max_windup_
elif self.error_sum_ < -self.max_windup_:
self.error_sum_ = -self.max_windup_
# Proportional error
p = self.kp_ * error
# Integral error
i = self.ki_ * self.error_sum_
# Recalculate the derivative error here incorporating
# derivative smoothing!
d = self.kd_ * (self.alpha * delta_error / delta_time + \
(1 - self.alpha) * self.last_error_ / delta_time)
# Set the control effort
u = p + i + d
# Enforce actuator saturation limits
if u > self.umax:
u = self.umax
elif u < self.umin:
u = self.umin
# Here we are storing the control effort history for post control
# observations.
return u